Saturday, October 31, 2009

Taking the Plunge I am still trying to decide IF I am going to start blogging. I really don't have a lot of extra time to blog, but I love the idea of keeping track of Olivia's activities. I have a baby book for her and I write down her milestones. I also have a journal that I try to use to write down all of the extras (funny moments, school happenings, etc). When someone told me that I could have a blog and then send it off to be printed, I knew that I really needed to start a blog if only for that!

I love reading all of my friends' blogs and enjoy keeping up with them and their children through them. Hopefully I will be able to understand how this whole thing works and keep up with what's going on in our lives. We shall see....

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just started my own blog on here, and thought you might like a first comment. :)
