Saturday, March 20, 2010

Olivia's First Haircut!!

We had a snow day in the middle of the week on Mrach 3rd, so I took Olivia to get her first haircut! I had been trying to get to her cut for a while. It has taken so long for her to grow hair that I was really hesitant to get her one. I thought about doing it myself because she really only needed a trim. I gave in and took her to Pigtails & Crewcuts (very cute place). She was really excited when she saw the cars and planes she could ride. All was good until they put the cape on her. She DID NOT like that! So, after bribing her with a lollipop and sitting on mommy's lap, she was good to go. She did great! The people there were so patient and were great!!

Ready to drive!
Likes this seat better!

You can see that she really needed her bangs trimmed!
Ta~Da!! Here is my big girl....with bangs!

Since we had it cut, it has gotten more curls in it and is so cute! I will be sure to get more pictures soon!